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June 18, 2010


Im doing a painting for my sister.

Top secret stuff right now but once i finish it i'll post it.  Her birthday is tomorrow. =)


"I tried to drown my sorrows but the Bastards learned how to swim" - Frida Kahlo
Friday, June 18, 2010

September 17, 2009

:: Cake Stand - TRIAL and error

I seen this idea in an art book.  I'm practicing making these little stands to put Christmas treats on for this years family get.

Glue a plate on an upside down glass.  I had a extra cup that didn't match anything so I figured I'd do some testing on paining and lacing (yes lace again) on the plate.

I was going to do a shadow technique but decided I'd do a few on 1 plate and see how it looked. I drew a funky cupcake (real funky) and put gold dots (duh! Dots didn't show and it ended up looking wack).  I used a lace pattern.

First I drew.  Painted with marker (should of used acrylic paint but I was being lazy and that day, I went grocery shopping, making enchiladas, cheesecake and rice and I sanded down a table, posted below) so I was doing like 50 things at once). 

Then I did a lace pattern with spray paint over it all.

I then put a clear coat to seal the paint/markers on the back. 

I glued it on the cup with glass glue (be careful when doing larget plates because of the weight and weight of your baking items on top) and let it set for 1hr.  Then I turned it upside down and this is what it came out like:

Big enough to hold 4 large onions and a shallot.
Funky, Spunky, (who am I kidding, it's plain jane) stand
See the flowers look black (ugh) and the cupcake is wack, but the lace is cool.
SIDE BUSTIN':  Use a clear plate if you can.  If using a colored clear plate, buy an extra one to see if the colors will come out or you'll be sad!  Also, try mix matching different cups or even old candle holders (watch the base though).  
You can wash this in mild soap, no scrubbing on the bottom and IS NOT dishwasher safe. (duh).
Next I want to try a decoupage style.

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"I tried to drown my sorrows but the Bastards learned how to swim" - Frida Kahlo
Thursday, September 17, 2009

:: Drawer - Refurb

My aunt gave me a drawer when I first moved into my place.

It was cute and at the time it matched my deco.  It was an old wood that was slathered in mint green and another coat of white crackling paint for that old time feel.

Well times' a' changin.  So I sanded this baby by hand (I was covered in dust and next time will not end up like Pinoochi with sawdust for lungs and wear a mask) and took off as much paint as I could.

I sanded the drawer down too.  There were no knobs.  So I bought 2 cheap ones at Home Depot for under 2bucks each.

I spray painted the drawer a Metallic Gold (it matches the deco of my drag art hanging above it) and added the knobs.

The drawer itself was going to be a rich chocolate brown.  But then I thought it may look too drab.  So i had just got a new Metallic spray can (I was unsure of the color when I bought it).  It took up the whole can!  It ended up being a nice Champagne color.

I fell in love with it.  I wish there were an outlet there so I could put a little lamp.  Oh well!

(Looks better in person, you can see it's more of a nice Champagne color)
Gold Mettalic Drawer
Silver knob handles.
The End

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"I tried to drown my sorrows but the Bastards learned how to swim" - Frida Kahlo
Thursday, September 17, 2009

:: Aint so much of an art Part II

okay I lied, here are the mugs and dishware I've been saving.

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"I tried to drown my sorrows but the Bastards learned how to swim" - Frida Kahlo
Thursday, September 17, 2009

:: Aint so much of an art

So I'm finally all by myself.  I can do the things the way that I truly want. 
I have a problem.  I mean I generally hide and have been coping with it for sometime now.  I think it all began when my brother got locked up because I couldn't control what was happening I became slightly OCD.
No, maybe it was when I worked at the YMCA.  The director I was an assistant to, was OCD.  I mean he was NEAT! He had his paper clips sorted.  First by Size, then if it were metal or plastic, and the plastics were sorted by colored.  I thought he was insane.  But I had to be exactly like him and think like him even 1 step beyond because if I were out, I'd have to have my desk in order for him to find something.  I began aligning my papers on top of each other with a .5 to 1.0" layer of papers on them and .5" space from the first pile to the second (basically like rows and columns).  I even put my stapler and tape dispenser in unison and alignment.  We won't discuss the magnets.  And Excel? OHMG I fell in love with sorting and tabs and having lists for everything.
I even organized ALL my DVDs alphabetical order and printed a list.  sigh.
But it became too much when I got my 1st apartment and my sister mentioned to my 3yr old niece to not touch my movies because they were in alphabetical order.  Sad, so I decided I have to create a balance.  Chaos if you will.
So from time to time I will let things get slightly disorganized or having everything in it's place will be too time consuming and I'll become obssessed about it.
But my cabinets are another story.  For months I had roommates and it was not cool for me to ask them to keep order because I had other house rules, normal house rules (like clean up after yourself or do your own dishes right away etc). 
But now......BWHAHAHHAAHA I have my cabinets in order.  My sister called me and said I was crazy for hammering (I was hanging my bamboo cutting board on the side cabinet and mug hooks in the cabinet) at 11:30 at night.
But look how pretty this is:

Aint so much of an art. But it is because of the lining up of items. I guess working at walgreens facing products paid off huh?

I do want to create a special pantry for just my baking items. But I can actually do small baskets and put all Baking spices in there and all Savory items in the other....ahhhh screw it I love my rows!  The bottom row is funky because I need to move some of the baking items to the bakeware cabinet.  Like how i turned my Costco sized Garlic Container (Bottom row to the left) into Vanilla Sugar?  (I added whole vanilla beans to plain sugar).

I won't even begin to show what I did with my new plates and my canned goods.

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"I tried to drown my sorrows but the Bastards learned how to swim" - Frida Kahlo
Thursday, September 17, 2009

September 08, 2009

:: Canvas: Geisha Muerte

Well it ain't so much of a Muerta as she is a Geisha. 
This is her story:
She's had battles and she's been through it all and it shows.
She has tattoos of Cherry Blossoms and the Biwa.  She has a decrative comb on her right side of her hair and a flower and chop sticks in the left.  She has battle scars underneath her eye and across her lips. She is the Chola in Japan.
With all that she's still lovely. 
I see myself in this.  My almond eyes, red lips, battle scars (mine are on the inside) and tattoo's.  Someone said her eyes are like mine.  Conniving. Hmmm.

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"I tried to drown my sorrows but the Bastards learned how to swim" - Frida Kahlo
Tuesday, September 08, 2009

:: Canvas: Tu Madre

I made a nice drawing (not the one below) and tried to re draw it on canvas.  I must have drank some tussin' cause this looks nothing like the original.
Bored again. 
I had to do somethign with my old derby name stickers so I glue gunned those suckers to canvas.  Add soem embellishments.  I colored around the frame in chalk which looked cool but then i spray painted a clear coat and it just screwed it all up.  You can see more flaws.  NOT the look I was going for.
The charcoal pencil i used also looks weird after.  But so do her eyebrows and lips.  I was never good with faces.  That's why my Chola Mermaid has no eyes. 
I guess I was going for the weird look. 
Mission accomplished.

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"I tried to drown my sorrows but the Bastards learned how to swim" - Frida Kahlo
Tuesday, September 08, 2009

:: Door Hanger

My plans to build a dog house are big.  So I thought I'd start off with a door hanger for my doggie.

Yes I know her name is my derby name.  Go figure.  I got her use to being called Frida before I realized I'm called that on the rink. sigh.

Anywho....back to the dollar store! I got these wood hanging frames for my nieces & nephew to paint/decorate with whatever their little hearts desired. 

I laced (I know, I know) this with gold and a splash of pink.  Why i painted her name in tigger's colors i have no idea.  Maybe cause she bounces around like him.  I also used Puff paint and some scratch on sticker design.

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"I tried to drown my sorrows but the Bastards learned how to swim" - Frida Kahlo
Tuesday, September 08, 2009

:: Curtain Holder

I ain't made of money so I can't go out and buy a $15 or $50 curtain holder. So.....guess what's holding back my bedroom curtains?

This lovely little button that I bought at the craft store that I glue gunned onto a push pin (large) and entwined some mini-flowers around to make decrative.  My other button says "Imagine" in script.  Really pretty.
I know my phone camera SUCKS!  All I do is get the ribbon and place around my curtains and place on my curtain holder.

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"I tried to drown my sorrows but the Bastards learned how to swim" - Frida Kahlo
Tuesday, September 08, 2009

:: Mexican Picture Frames

Mexican Picture Frames

I was at Wal-Mart one day and seen some square cork boards.  I knew I'd need them for something one day.

The day came when I moved to my own apartment and I couldn't find any Mexican designs that I liked for my cocina.  So I made my own.

I painted the cork with a dark brown.  The border I painted with brown and added gold accents (criss corss marks/smudges).  I painted some mini clay pots, gold and glue gunned the ribbon and callalillies on them.  I also glue gunned the wodden flowers on the frames.  The picture was printed out from some old website and I just used picture glue from the craft store and wah-la!

Here are her homies who I used sunflowers and a red painted pot.

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"I tried to drown my sorrows but the Bastards learned how to swim" - Frida Kahlo
Tuesday, September 08, 2009

::About LoCa: ;

  • *Born & raised in ESSJ
  • *Self Taught (paint/drawing)
  • *Have over 800 Poems
  • *Fear of Earthquakes
  • *HATE touching cardboard
  • *LOVES smelling Rubbing Alcohol
  • *HATE Smudged Charcoal
  • *LOVES Spraypaint


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